The Purley Literary Society, affectionately known as 'Purley Lit,' started in 1901, and has being running continuously except for
the war years - and the recent Covid pandemic.
Since October 2023, we have been meeting in Christ Church, Purley, CR8 2BN.
The church lies between 861 and 863 Brighton Road, Purley; see directions for Christ Church on our Programme page.
The Society engages guest speakers to present talks on a variety of topics, usually illustrated.
Meetings are held fortnightly on Thursdays at 8pm from October to March, and last about an hour, followed by questions and answers.
In spite of our name, the Society is not based around writing or works of literature, although sometimes we do have an author as the speaker.
Thanks to the work of a couple of loyal supporters, we now have a presence on Social Media.
Our final session of the 2024 - 2025 season, on 20th March, will start with a brief AGM, at the earlier time of 7:30pm
It will be followed at about 8pm by the last talk: "Across India on an Enfield" by Antonia Gallop.
Documents for the previous AGM (March 2024) can be found via these links (which will open in a new page):
The minutes of the AGM for the the 2023 - 2024 season are here
The signed accounts for the 2023 - 2024 season will be here
At the beginning of March, prior to the 2024 - 2025 AGM, the relevant documents will be placed here.
The agenda is here
The minutes of the last AGM (for the the 2022 - 2023) season are here
The provisional accounts for the 2023 - 2024 season are here
Our current fees are:
the entire Autumn and Spring set of 11 talks for £25,
or just the Spring set of 6 talks for £14.
Visitors pay £6 per talk, but any relevant visitor fees are capped at the price of membership.
Membership tickets are transferable!!
If you are unable to attend a meeting, you are encouraged to let a friend use your ticket.
Invite them to visit our website:
To contact us about general enquiries:
To ask about membership details: